The 25th Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics, July 8-11, Łódź, Poland

Data dodania



🎓 Dear PhD Candidates 🎓

We have good news!

The 25th Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics is fast approaching!

The registration form to make it easier for you to register and submit abstracts is launched.

There is an online form at Register. Once you have completed the form, you will receive a message with your registration number and confirmation that your application has been accepted.


The CMM'2025 conference is a good place for discussion, exchange of ideas and experiences.

Any participant of the CMM-2025 is eligible for the J. Szmelter Award if he/she fulfills the following requirements:
  • is up to the age of 30,
  • is an author or a co-author of a paper presented during the Congress,
  • has presented the paper by himself/ herself and has been active in a discussion on the presented paper.


The best papers will be awarded and you will be able to publish your work in high-scoring journals.

Accepted abstracts will be printed in the Conference Book of Abstracts in electronic copy.


Already, thank You for your registrations!

We look forward to receiving your submission!


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