Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning I-61
Team composition:
Małgorzata Hanzl, PhD,
DSc Sylwia Krzysztofik,
PhD Adriana Cieślak-Arkuszewska,
PhD Monika Cysek-Pawlak, PhD
Potential promoters:
Małgorzata Hanzl, PhD, DSc
Contact person:
Małgorzata Hanzl, PhD, DSc, tel.: 42-631-35-40, malgorzata.hanzl@p.lodz.pl
Scope of activities:
The main areas of interest and research directions belong to the field of contemporary urban planning theory and practice:
- Sustainable development and climate resilience of cities
- Urban form studies, urban morphology
- Rehabilitation and revitalization of urban structures
- Strategic and participatory planning
- Social and cultural issues in urban planning
- Smart cities, GIS
Present activities:
We develop design proposals for the transformation of urban areas at various scales and scopes, starting from regional planning to urban detail. We research the form of urban structures and diverse conditions of their transformations - environmental, cultural, social. We deal with the quality of life and adaptation of cities to changing climatic conditions. We benchmark revitalisation processes to identify effective strategic transformation processes. We investigate the applicability of computer techniques to spatial planning.
Future activities:
We aim to continue and further deepen research in areas already undertaken. We plan to focus on developing methods for climate change and resilience planning. The key themes include participatory planning approach, systems theory, complexity studies and GIS modelling.
Publications, awards, projects:
- Hanzl, M., Tofiluk, A., Zinowiec-Cieplik, K., Grochulska-Salak, M., & Nowak, A. (2021). The Role of Vegetation in Climate Adaptability: Case Studies of Lodz and Warsaw. Urban Planning, 6(4), 9–24.
- Denis M., Cysek-Pawlak M., Krzysztofik S., Majewska A. (2021). Sustainable and vibrant cities. Opportunities and threats to the development of Polish cities, Cities 109, 103014
- Hanzl, M., & Fernández-Maldonado, A. M. (2021). Editorial to the Special issue on planning resilient cities and region. Cities, 114, 103190
- Cysek-Pawlak M. M., Pabich M. (2020), Walkability – the New Urbanism principle for urban regeneration, Journal of Urbanism: International Research on Placemaking and Urban Sustainability.
Enhancing the user uptake of Land Cover / Land Use information derived from the integration of Copernicus services and national databases - InCoNaDa
urbanism, urban planning, urban morphology, urban design, placemaking, participatory planning, strategic planning, urban rehabilitation and revitalisation, regional planning, GIS, smart cities
List of research proposed in the team:
Research on planning for climate mitigation and urban regeneration strategies for towns and cities of different sizes
The portfolio of research groups was created as part of the Programme "STER" – Internationalisation of doctoral schools” as part of the realization of the project “Curriculum for advanced doctoral education & taining – CADET Academy of Lodz University of Technology”.

Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning I-61
Head of the unit:
Dr hab. nt. Artur Zaguła, associate professor
Potential promoters:
Prof. dr hab. inż. arch. Marek Pabich
Dr hab. nt. Artur Zaguła, associate professor
Contact person:
Artur Zaguła – artur.zagula@p.lodz.pl
Marek Pabich – marek.pabich@p.lodz.pl
Scope of activities:
Conducting research on contemporary architecture, the theory of architecture and the relationship between art and architecture, in particular:
- Modern and contemporary architecture in Poland and in the World
- Theory of architecture: aesthetics of architecture, relations between architectural theory and practice
- Relationship between the field of culture, including fine arts and design with architecture.
Additional activities:
- Implementation of platforms for communication with the public, which is aimed at practically increasing architectural awareness and stimulating public activity in terms of responsibility for the quality of built environment
- Popularization of scientific works in the field of architecture theory
- Interdisciplinary research - arts, humanities, social sciences.
Present activities:
Research topics currently being conducted by the team:
- Deconstructivist architecture
- Relationship between architecture and economy
- Revitalization of post-industrial areas
- Architects and trends in architecture, e.g. Mario Botta, MVRDV, new classicism, new urbanism
- German and Austrian contemporary architecture
- Expressionism in art and architecture
- Theories of beauty in contemporary architecture
- Changing attitudes towards architectural history in the mid-twentieth century in the United States of America
- Own houses of architects of the first generation of modernists
- Classic principles of architectural design
- New Urbanism - methodology and design principles
- Smart Code 9.2.
Publications/patents, awards, projects:
- Domińczak, M., Nowa Urbanistyka. Metodyka i zasady projektowania według SmartCode, Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, Łódź 2020
- Domińczak M., Zaguła A., Typologia łódzkiej kamienicy, Urząd Miasta Łodzi, Łódź, wyd. I 2016; wyd. II 2018 Janicka K., Architektura Domów towarowych a geneza wizualnej promocji na przykładach realizacji niemieckich przed 1939 rokiem, Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, Łódź 2019
- Janicka K., Visual merchandising as a determinant of “cathedrals of commerce” forming", ACEE Vol. 8 No 2/2015, str. 11-20
- Matuszewska J., Obiektywizm w architekturze - kryteria twórczości i czynniki ją wyzwalające architektów [w:] Definiowanie przestrzeni architektonicznej: prawda i kłamstwo architektury, Vol. 7, Kraków 2020, s. 33-43 Matuszewska J., Wizja miasta przyszłości – ciągłe dążenie do nowoczesności czy powrót do przeszłości? [w:] Definiowanie przestrzeni architektonicznej: mity architektury, Vol. 3, Kraków 2021, s. 65-75
- Pabich M., O kształtowaniu muzeum sztuki. Przestrzeń piękniejsza od przedmiotu, wyd. Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, Łódź 2004, s. 272, wyd. II Muzeum Śląskie w Katowicach 2007
- Pabich M., Mario Botta. Nikt nie rodzi się architektem, wyd. Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2013 Wyd. II Narodowy Instytut Architektury i Urbanistyki 2021
- Serafin A., Abstrakcja geometryczna a forma organiczna, Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, Łódź 2014. A. Serafin, Gottfried Böhm’s creativity: architecture as a sculpture made of concrete, [w:] Intelligence, Creativity and Fantasy, CRC Press Taylor - Francis Group, London 2019, pp. 109-113.
- Zaguła A., Arystotelesowskie i religijne źródła Nowego Klasycyzmu w architekturze współczesnej, Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, Łódź 2013
architectural theory, art, philosophy, contemporary architecture, humanities, aesthetics of architecture
The portfolio of research groups was created as part of the Programme "STER" – Internationalisation of doctoral schools” as part of the realization of the project “Curriculum for advanced doctoral education & taining – CADET Academy of Lodz University of Technology”.

Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning I-61
Head of the unit:
Prof. Anetta Kępczyńska-Walczak, PhD, DSc, TUL Prof.
Potential promoters:
Prof. Anetta Kępczyńska-Walczak, PhD, DSc, TUL Prof.
Contact person:
Anetta Kępczyńska-Walczak, PhD, DSc, TUL Prof., phone: +48 42 631-35-33, anetta.kepczynska-walczak@p.lodz.pl
Scope of activities:
The Department’s activities focus on a wide range of digital technologies and applications in architecture and urban planning. Due to dynamic pace of change in development of the ICT in many domains, research topics may evolve and are open to new ideas. Therefore, the scope presented here is not the closed list. Here are general themes running in the Department: BIM, VR, digital technologies in cultural heritage, use of spatial data and geoinformation in GIS (Geographical Information Systems), creating maps, visualization of spatial data, multi-criteria analyses, application of geostatistical methods and geoprocessing in the morphological approach to spatial structures, observation and description of the impact of IT technologies on the methodology of architectural design and spatial development.
Present activities:
Building Information Modelling in research, education and practice; Data-based support for location decision-making processes in spatial planning; IT-driven cultural change in the built environment development methods – process-oriented approach, iterative methods, prototyping, parametric modelling; Visualizations and narratives in built environment; Smart cities; Nature-Based Solutions for the mitigation of climate change; facilities management. The activities are conducted by the following researchers in the Department: Anetta Kępczyńska-Walczak, PhD, DSc, TUL Prof., Wiktor Wróblewski, PhD, Tomasz Kroc, MSc, Michał Jarzyna, MSc, Patrycja Stasiak, MSc, Adrian Chmielewski, MSc.
Future activities:
Development of current research activities in response to technological changes
Publications/patents, awards, projects:
- M. Jarzyna, A. Kępczyńska-Walczak, Application of the matrix method in determining the shortest route in BIM, “Architecture Civil Engineering Environment”, Vol.14 No2/2021, s.5-24.
- Wróblewski, Wiktor and Kroc, Tomasz, "Współczesne podejście do terenów zieleni w mieście a ich utrzymanie i rozwój w Łodzi". Builder 1 (2021) 9-11 DOI: 10.5604/01.3001.0015.5802.
- A. Kępczyńska-Walczak, Building Information Modelling Implementation in Progress [w:] JP Sousa i in. (red.), Architecture in the Age of the 4th Industrial Revolution, vol. 2, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal, s. 279-286.
- A. Kępczyńska-Walczak, S. Białkowski (red.), Computing for a better tomorrow, Vol. 1, Politechnika Łódzka, Łódź 2018.
- A. Kępczyńska-Walczak, S. Białkowski (red.), Computing for a better tomorrow, Vol. 2, Politechnika Łódzka, Łódź 2018.
- A. Kępczyńska-Walczak, Computation As Design Logic Indicator - The Expo Project Experiment [w:] A. Fioravanti i in. (red.), ShoCK! - Sharing Computational Knowledge! vol. 1, Sapienza University of Rome, Rzym 2017, s. 279-288.
- Wróblewski, Wiktor, "Wykorzystanie narzędzi Nowego Urbanizmu w procesie powrotu Łodzi do centrum". Studia Komitetu Przestrzennego Zagospodarowania Kraju PAN CLXVIII (2016) 136-157 .
BIM, cultural heritage, visualizations, narratives, smart cities, NBS, GIS, spatial data, spatial analyses, iterative methods, prototyping, parametric modelling, FM
The portfolio of research groups was created as part of the Programme "STER" – Internationalisation of doctoral schools” as part of the realization of the project “Curriculum for advanced doctoral education & taining – CADET Academy of Lodz University of Technology”.

Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning I-61
Head of the unit:
Jan Salm, PhD, DSc, associate professor
Potential promoters:
Jan Salm, PhD, DSc, associate professor
Bartosz M. Walczak, PhD, DSc, associate professor
Contact person:
Jan Salm, associate professor, jan.salm@p.lodz.p
Bartosz M. Walczak, associate professor bartosz.walczak@p.lodz.pl
Scope of activities:
Research and documentation of monuments and architectural heritage.
Research of history of urban planning, current approaches to spatial planning, particularly urban regeneration of historic city centers and post-industrial sites and architectural heritage.
Fields of study:
- History of Architecture and Urban Planning
- Conservation and Protection of Architectural Heritage
- Urban Regeneration in Historical City Areas
Present activities:
List of some of the current research topics, which have been presented by department members on numerous international conferences and published in journals and as books:
- Contemporary cultural heritage
- Research on post-industrial architecture of the 19th century
- Research on architecture, urban planning and development based on city of Łódź
- Protection of monuments and cultural landscape in spatial planning
- Adaptations of historic buildings and architectural heritage
- Protection of historic ruins in the landscape
- Documentation of historic objects
- Urban regeneration of historic post-industrial areas
- Studies on the transformation of historical centers of the Łódź region
- Urban regeneration of historical centers of north-eastern Poland region
Future activities:
Continuation of research in the already mentioned department fields, cooperation with government and non-government organizations regarding protection and conservation of architectural cultural heritage and city revitalization.
Publications/patents, awards, projects:
- Borowczyk, J. & Przewłocka-Sionek, R. (red.). 2019. Nieznane dziedzictwo Łodzi. Dobra kultury współczesnej. Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej. Łódź.
- Dankowska, M., Koter, M. & Stępniewski, M. (red.). 2019. Atlas Historyczny Miasta Łodzi. Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe, Łódź.
- Dankowska, M. & Walczak, B. M. (red.). 2018. Rewitalizacja miast – w kierunku integracji procesów, mechanizmów i metod działania. Politechnika Łódzka. Łódź.
- Salm, J. 2006. Odbudowa miast wschodniopruskich po I wojnie światowej. Stowarzyszenie WK Borussia.
- Walczak, B. M. (red.). 2006. Rewitalizacja miast poprzemysłowych – rola dziedzictwa kulturowego. Łódź.
architectural heritage, conservation of cultural heritage, history of architecture, history of urban planning, protection of monuments, urban regeneration, post-industrial architecture, protection and conservation of post-industrial architecture, urban regeneration of post-industrial sites, urban regeneration of historic city areas, architectural adaptation of historic objects
The portfolio of research groups was created as part of the Programme "STER" – Internationalisation of doctoral schools” as part of the realization of the project “Curriculum for advanced doctoral education & taining – CADET Academy of Lodz University of Technology”.