
Materials Engineering (MAE)

"Construction materials" - 4 and 11 April 25, 10.15 am


Mechanical Engineering (ME)




Automation, electronic, electrical engineering and space technologies (AEEEST)

Classes in the subject ‘Modelling of Dynamical Systems’ will be held on the following dates:

5 March 2025 10:15-15:00 hrs,

19 March 2025 10:15-15:00 hrs,

2 April 2025 10:15-15:00.

Classes will be held in the seminar room of the Institute of Automation, 18 Stefanowskiego Street, building A10, first floor.


Information and Communication Technology (ICT)




Chemical Sciences (CS)



Nutrition and Food Technology (NFT)

"Modern Microbiological Analysis in Food Industry" (course coordinator: prof. Alina Kunicka-Styczyńska) - Fridays, 10:00 - 12:15, 7 March - 4 April, Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences, building: A4, room: S-21


"Advanced Methods of Statistical Analysis" of 15 hours will be held in weeks 1-5, on Wednesdays from 12.15-15.00 in the S-21 auditorium in the Faculty Biotechnology and Food Science.


Civil engineering, geodesy and transport (CEGT)

"Reliability and Optimization in Civil Engineering" (course coordinator: prof. dr hab. inż. Marcin Kamiński) - Fridays, 17.30-19.00


Architecture and Urban planning (AU)


Management and Quality Studies (MQ)




Chemical Engineering (CE)


Mathematics (M)


Physical Sciences (P)

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