Updated timetable for the 1st semester - course ‘Entrepreneurship and the Elements of Law’. The dates of classes of Dr I. Balcerczyk and Dr R. Blażlak and the classrooms for Dr R. Blażlak's classes have changed.
Group 1
nauki chemiczne / chemical sciences | |
nauki fizyczne / physical sciences | |
nauki o zarządzaniu i jakości / management and quality studies | |
inżynieria lądowa, geodezja i transport / civil engineering, geodesy and transport |
Group 2
architektura i urbanistyka / architecture and urban planning |
automatyka, elektronika, elektrotechnika i technologie kosmiczne / automation, electronics, electrical engineering and space technologies |
informatyka techniczna i telekomunikacja / information and communication technology |
inżynieria chemiczna / chemical engineering |
inżynieria materiałowa / materials engineering |
technologia żywności i żywienia / food and nutrition technology |
matematyka / mathematics |
inżynieria mechaniczna / mechanical engineering |
Materials Engineering (MAE)
Methodology of Scientific Research for Materials Engineering (semester 1).
Please notice !!!
Mechanical Engineering (ME)
Automation, electronic, electrical engineering and space technologies (AEEEST)
Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
Chemical Sciences (CS)
Nutrition and Food Technology (NFT)
Methodology of Scientific Research - 5 meetings of 3 hours on the following dates:
26.11.2024 hrs. 10.30 a.m room S-21
10.12.2024 hrs. 11.15 a.m hall S-21
07.01.2025 at 10.30 a.m. room S-21
14.01.2025 at 11.15 am room S-21
21.01.2025 at 10.30 am room S-21
Classes at the Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences
Civil engineering, geodesy and transport (CEGT)
Architecture and Urban planning (AU)
Management and Quality Studies (MQ)
Updated timetable for the 1st semester - course ‘Entrepreneurship and the Elements of Law’. The dates of classes of Dr I. Balcerczyk and Dr R. Blażlak and the classrooms for Dr R. Blażlak's classes have changed.
Chemical Engineering (CE)
Statistical optimisation of industrial processes 1083000600 semester 3 (seminar 5h and project 10h) - dr hab. inż. Tomasz Ganicz
Mondays at 13:15 - 16:00 (from 7.10.2024 to 4.11.2024) room 6.12 building B17 of the Centre for Papermaking and Printing.
Mathematics (M)
Methodology of Scientific Research - Tuesdays in room 139, building B9 from 16-18:45 (5 meetings of 3 lessons each).