


Dear Candidates,

Dear Doctoral Candidates,


Please find below the information about accommodation at Hall of Residence at Academic Campus of TUL


The following documents: 

1. Regulations - Chapter 8 - ACCOMMODATION - Appendix No. 3

Rules of accommodation for doctoral candidates in the Student Halls of Residence of Lodz University of Technology

§ 4

1.    Doctoral candidates at Lodz University of Technology applicants for the Interdisciplinary Doctoral School of Lodz University of Technology (Applying Candidates) may apply for accommodation in the Student Hall of Residence (DS) at TUL.

2.    The Applicant may request rooming with his/her children or spouse, who is not a doctoral candidate at TUL.

3.    The basic criterion in the allocation of DS accommodation is the distance of the Applicant's permanent residence from Lodz University of Technology.

4.    Priority in the right to housing, regardless of the place of permanent residence, is given to: mothers and fathers raising children and Pregnant Applicants, as well as persons in a particularly difficult life situation.

5.    The rules for granting the right of accommodation to doctoral candidates and Applicants in DS No. 1 are set forth in the "Regulations for the allocation of places in DS No. 1".

§ 5

1.    Candidates for the Interdisciplinary Doctoral School of Lodz University of Technology (ISD TUL) apply for accommodation at the Student Hall of Lodz University of Technology in the appropriate section of the Candidate Personal Questionnaire within the framework of admissions to IDS TUL and submit, in the prescribed time and manner, applications for accommodation at the DS No. 9 office. A template of the accommodation application is made available on the IDS TUL website.

2.    Doctoral candidates applying for the extension of accommodation for the next period shall submit to the DS office in which they live, by the prescribed deadlines, applications for the continuation of accommodation in the student hall of residence.

3.    Applicant requesting accommodation with their children or spouse, and Applicant requesting accommodation due to special living situation should attach to the application submitted to the DS No. 9 office documents confirming the declared situation.

4.    Applications for accommodation are reviewed by the DS administration and, if necessary, the Applicant is urged to complete the documentation. Determination of inconsistencies between the information provided in the application and the facts or documentation submitted may exclude the application from further processing.

6.    Documentation submitted by Applicants is collected and stored in the DS office.

7.    On the basis of the submitted applications, the DS Manager prepares a list of persons who have been granted a place in the DS at the Campus of Lodz University of Technology.

7.    Decisions on the accommodation of the Applicants are made by the DS Manager.

8.    Decisions on accommodation applications are communicated to accommodation applicants via e-mail to the accounts of the University's Electronic Mail System (SPE), in the case of a new person taking up education at TUL who does not yet have an SPE account - to the e-mail account provided by the Applicant in the application.

9.    An applicant who has received a refusal decision in a given round of consideration for accommodation at the TUL Campus has the right to file a written appeal to the Vice-Rector for Student Affairs, through the IDS TUL, within 14 days from the date of receipt of information about the decision on the email account.

§ 6

Detailed rules for the use of accommodation on TUL Campus by doctoral candidates, as well as the rights and obligations of residents are contained in the Regulations of the Student Halls of Residence at Lodz University of Technology's Campus.

2. Application for accommodation in student hall of residence no. I, student hall of residence no. IX 

3. Declaration 

4. Personal questionnaire 

5. Confirmation of the expected date of arrival 

6. Confirmation from IDS office for admission to IDS TUL



Please provide us with the information about your expected date of arrival. What is more, please be aware that the room will be reserved for one month (30–day) from the date of the expected arrival. In the event of a delay of arrival, it is necessary to provide an application for the extension with justification and a copy of the document confirming the circumstances (why the delay has happened). 


In case of positive decision about your accommodation, the formal registration is fully completed by submitting documents personally in hard copies of all required documents upon you arrival  – application and annexes. 


In case you apply for marriage room for your spouse or partner please provide the appropriate document confirming marital status. 



When you make a copy of your passport please cross the copy with pen and write at the bottom of the page "I provide the copy of my passport for the purpose of accommodation" and place the date and your handwritten signature.



As soon as you arrive to Poland, please contact with IDS Office to get the necessary stamps and confirmation from IDS Office (section H in Application for accommodation), because you need to submit all documents in hard copies (original copies) to Halls of Residence, apart from the confirmation of admission to IDS – it can be a copy of the document.


Please do not leave applications at the dormitory reception desk.

Student Hall of residence no. IX send to:



IMPORTANT : Students of foreign universities coming to study at the Interdisciplinary Doctoral School of Lodz University of Technology pay a deposit of PLN 1,000 upon accommodation.

Please also visit TUL Residential Area 

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