1. Participation in the admission process to IDS TUL is connected with the obligation to pay a one-time, non-refundable enrolment fee for the consideration of the application.
2. The amount of the enrolment fee is PLN 200. Further admission activities take place after the fee has been paid in full.
Recruitment fee
The amount of a one-time, non-refundable recruitment fee for processing the application is PLN 200. The fee should be paid by card or bank transfer to an individual bank account:
PL40 1240 6973 1111 0010 9402 4149
Bank account number in EUR:
PL56 1240 3028 1978 0000 2822 2358
Bank account number in USD:
PL91 1240 3028 1787 0000 2822 2257
Bank Pekao SA BIC code: PKOPPLPW
Payment title: name and surname, discipline name, recruitment fee to IDS TUL
In case of making a payment from an account kept in a currency other than PLN or by a card cleared in a currency other than PLN, it is the Applicant’s responsibility to apply the appropriate exchange rate as of the date of payment, so that the university’s account is credited with the correct amount. The potential costs of currency conversions and other commissions, including fees of any intermediary banks, are covered by the Applicant.