Treść (rozbudowana)
Trzy logotypy


Institute of Materials Science and Engineering I-11



Head of the unit:

Prof. Dr hab. inż. Łukasz Kaczmarek, PhD, DSc


Potential promotors:

Prof. Dr hab. inż. Łukasz Kaczmarek

Bożena Pietrzyk, PhD, DSc, TUL Prof.

Michał Puchalski, PhD, DSc, TUL Prof.


Contact person:

Prof. Dr hab. inż. Łukasz Kaczmarek, PhD, DSc, lukasz.kaczmarek@p.lodz.pl


Scope of activities:

The main area of the research activity of the Division concerns the use of:

  • carbon composites, Graphene composites (lithium -ion battery, hydrogen storage materials),
  • lightweight, functional gradient materials based on aluminum, magnesium and titanium alloys on elements exposed to wear through friction and contact fatigue. The results of these tests are protected by patents. The developed technologies have been awarded many times, incl. in 2012: gold medal and two distinctions at the 12th ITEX International Invention Show in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and a gold medal in Seoul, as well as a gold medal for Robot manipulator arm equipped with specially designed ultralightweight planetary transmission system, International Warsaw Invention Show IWIS 2016.


Present activities:

We are intensively developing works in the field of producing light composites reinforced with glass fibers and carbon composites with the addition of 2D materials, including graphene. We create composite materials with quasi-2D properties as reversible materials for storing hydrogen, as filter materials, sensors and electrodes of lithium-ion batteries.

In addition, research and development activities include the production of ceramic coatings using the sol-gel method, as well as with the use of plasma supported by the aerosol-gel method. We have developed a number of mono and multilayer application technologies, such as based on TiO2, Al2O3, ZrO2, SiO2, hydroxyapatite, as well as composite coatings made with, e.g. the addition of oxidized graphene flakes.


Future activities:

Development of composite materials based on quantum graphene dots from organic waste.


Publications/patents, awards, projects

  1. Łukasz Kaczmarek, Magdalena Balik et al. Functionalization Mechanism of Reduced Graphene Oxide Flakes with BF3 center dot THF and Its Influence on Interaction with Li+ Ions in Lithium-Ion Batteries, Materials 2021, 14(3), 679; https://doi.org/10.3390/ma14030679
  2. Mieczysław Jaroniek, Leszek Czechowski, Lukasz Kaczmarek, Tomasz Warga, Tomasz Kubiak, A New Approach of Mathematical Analysis of Structure of Graphene as a Potential Material for Composites, November 2019, Materials 12(23):3918, DOI: 10.3390/ma12233918 (IF 2,97)
  3. Sebastian Lipa, Łukasz Kaczmarek, Mariusz Stegliński, Hanna Radziszewska, Karol Kyzioł, Daniel Kottfer, Effect of core/shell precipitations on fatigue strength of 2024-T6I6 alloy, October 2019 International Journal of Fatigue 127:165- 174, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2019.06.006 (IF 3,67)
  4. Łukasz Kaczmarek, Tomasz Warga, Piotr Zawadzki, Magdalena Makowicz, Bartosz Bucholc, Piotr Kula, The influence of the hydrogenation degree on selected properties of graphene as a material for reversible H2 storage, June 2019 International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 44(41), DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2019.06.007 (IF 4,08)
  5. L. Kaczmarek, P. Kula et al. Creation of a 3D structure based on the High Strength Metallurgical Graphene, Surface Review and Letters April (2018) (IF 0,5)
  6. M. Makowicz, M. Balik, L. Kaczmarek, et al. Spatial functionalization of graphene powder using 1,4-dichlorobutane on ceramic substrate, May (2018) Materials Chemistry and Physics (IF 2,2)
  7. I.Bizyukova, O.Girka, Ł.Kaczmarek, M.Klich, M.Myroshnyk, B.Januszewicz, S.Owczarek, Aluminium and titanium alloys surface behaviour under argon and helium ion exposure Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms Volume 436, 1 December 2018, Pages 272-277 (IF 2,2)
  8. Karol Kyzioł,  Julia Oczkowska, Daniel Kottfer, Marek Klich, Łukasz Kaczmarek, Agnieszka Kyzioł, Zbigniew Grzesik, Physicochemical and Biological Activity Analysis of Low-Density Polyethylene Substrate Modified by Multi-Layer Coatings Based on DLC Structures, Obtained Using RF CVD Method, April 2018Coatings 8(4) DOI: 10.3390/coatings8040135 (IF 2,35)
  9. Bozena Pietrzyk, Sebastian Miszczak, Lukasz Kaczmarek, Marek Klich, Low friction nanocomposite aluminum oxide/MoS 2 coatings prepared by sol-gel method, February 2018 Ceramics International 44(7) DOI: 10.1016/j.ceramint.2018.02.055 (IF 3,057)



composites, graphene, functionalization, hydrogen storage, photovoltaic, lithium- ion battery.


List of internship proposal in this research team

Co-implementation of the production and testing of physical and mechanical properties of composite materials.



The portfolio of research groups was created as part of the Programme "STER" – Internationalisation of doctoral schools” as part of the realization of the project “Curriculum for advanced doctoral education & taining – CADET Academy of Lodz University of Technology”.

Trzy logotypy


Institute of Materials Science and Engineering I-11



Head of the unit:

Dr hab. inż. Konrad Dybowski, prof. uczelni


Potential promotors:

Prof. dr hab. inż. Leszek Klimek

Dr inż. Bartłomiej Januszewicz

Dr inż. Radomir Atraszkiewicz


Contact person:

Bartłomiej Januszewicz, tel: 42-631-30-50, bartlomiej.januszewicz@p.lodz.pl


Scope of activities:

The scientific activity of the division mainly includes research in the field of heat treatment of metal alloys, including thermo-chemical treatment. In the framework of the conducted research, the technology of low-pressure carburising (vacuum carburizing) and nitriding or the world's unique technology of low-pressure carburizing with preliminary nitriding has been developed and implemented into industry. The division has a unique technological laboratory with equipment for heat treatment in vacuum, in reactive and inert atmospheres, where research can be conducted on the development of new technologies from fundamentals to the preimplementation scale.


Present activities:

Currently, the scope of activity of the division includes research on application of low-pressure carburizing technology to treatment of other metal alloys and other, non-standard types of steel. The division also conducts research into the application of graphene produced by metallurgical methods on a liquid copper substrate. Research is also being conducted on the application of graphene-based composites for water purification.


Future activities:

Development of low-pressure carburizing technology, research on practical application of graphene, development of graphene-based composites for water purification.


Publications/patents, awards, projects

  1. Graphene-based composite materials for water purification – project NCBR: POIR.04.01.04-00-0089/15
  2. G. Romaniak, K. Dybowski, A. Jędrzejczak, A. Sobczyk-Guzenda, J. Januszewicz, W. Szymański, P. Kowalczyk, T. Kaźmierczak, J. Siniarski, P. Kula: Impact of a graphene oxide reducing agent on a semi-permeable graphene/reduced graphene oxide forward osmosis membrane filtration efficiency, "Membranes", 2021, 11, 9, DOI 10.3390/membranes11090679
  3. Kowalczyk, P.; Dybowski,K.; Januszewicz, B.; Atraszkiewicz, R.;Makówka, The Hybrid Process of Low-Pressure Carburizing and Metallization (Cr + LPC, Al + LPC) of 17CrNiMo7-6 and 10NiCrMo13-5 Steels, Coatings 2021, 11, 567.,https://doi.org/10.3390/coatings11050567 ;
  4. Dybowski, K., Romaniak, G., Kula, P., Jeziorna, A., Kowalczyk, P., Atraszkiewicz, R., Kolodziejczyk, L., Nowak, D., Zawadzki, P., Kucinska, M., Impact of the method of separating graphene from the growth substrate on the quality of the 2D material obtained (2019) Archives of Metallurgy and Materials, 64 (4), pp. 1321-1326,
  5. Dybowski, K., Kowalczyk, P., Kula, P., Jeziorna, A., Atraszkiewicz, R., Kołodziejczyk, Ł., Zawadzki, P., Nowak, D., Kazimierczak, T., Kucińska, M., Graphene-based composite membrane for water desalination, (2018) Archives of Metallurgy and Materials, 63 (3), pp. 1379-1383
  6. Dybowski, K., Sawicki, J., Kula, P., Januszewicz, B., Atraszkiewicz, R., Lipa, S., The effect of the quenching method on the deformations size of gear wheels after vacuum carburizing, Archives of Metallurgy and Materials, 2016, 61 (2B), pp. 1057-1062.
  7. Dybowski, K. ; Kowalczyk, P.; Januszewicz, B.; Batory, D., Advances In Science And Technology-Research Journal, Hybrid layer type Cr/LPC, 2017, Volume: 11, Issue: 2, s. 23-27
  8. US 9 284 640, USA, Method of producing graphene from liquid metal, P. Kula, A. Rzepkowski. R. Pietrasik, R. Atraszkiewicz, K. Dybowski, W. Modrzyk – patent
  9. EP2865637B1 Nanocomposite based on graphene for reversible storage of hydrogen, Piotr KulaAntoni Rzepkowski, Robert Pietrasik, Radomir Atraszkiewicz, Konrad Dybowski, Lukasz Kaczmarek, Wojciech Modrzyk – patent
  10. EP2865646B1, Method of producing graphene on a liquid metal, Wojciech Modrzyk, Piotr Kula, Antoni Rzepkowski, Robert Pietrasik, Radomir Atraszkiewicz, Konrad Dybowski – patent
  11. PL229687, A method for controlling the grain size of primary austenite formed in steel by heat treatment or thermo-chemical treatment in a vacuum, Dybowski K., Rzepkowski A., Rzepkowski A. – patent
  12. PL416797, Method of producing a hybrid layer on a substrate of iron or its alloys, Dybowski K., Kowalczyk P., Atraszkiewicz R., Januszewicz B. – patent
  13. PL430830, Filtration composite membrane and a method for its fabrication, Dybowski K., Kula P., Jeziorna A., Romaniak G., Sinarski J., Kaźmierczak T. – patent
  14. PL428718, Method of fabricating composite electrodes for water electrodeionization based on cross-linked graphene oxide, Dybowski K., Kaczmarek Ł., Kula P., Szymański W., Warga T., Romaniak G., Bucholc B., Makowicz M., Sinarski J., Kaźmierczak T. - patent



heat treatment, thermo-chemical treatment, carburizing, nitriding, graphene, water treatment


List of internship proposal in this research team

  1. The development of low-pressure carburizing process for austenitic stainless steels,
  2. The development of the process of low-pressure carburizing of titanium alloys
  3. To investigate the effect of pre-nitriding on the structure of alloy steels subjected to carburizing.



The portfolio of research groups was created as part of the Programme "STER" – Internationalisation of doctoral schools” as part of the realization of the project “Curriculum for advanced doctoral education & taining – CADET Academy of Lodz University of Technology”.

Trzy logotypy

Institute of Materials Science and Engineering I-11



Head of the unit:

Jacek Sawicki, PhD, DSc, TUL Prof.


Potential promotors:

Jacek Sawicki, PhD, DSc, TUL Prof.

Emilia Wołowiec, PhD, DSc, TUL Prof.


Contact person:

Jacek Sawicki, PhD, DSc, TUL Prof., phone: 42-631-30-37, jacek.sawicki@p.lodz.pl


Scope of activities:

The main areas of interest and research directions are:

  • models and algorithms for multi-stage carburizing processes, variabletemperature processes and repair processes,
  • neural and heuristic models, searching for optimal parameters of the vacuum carburizing process based on the assumed properties of the layer after the carburizing process,
  • algorithms for hardening steel elements with a carburized layer in gases under high pressure,
  • physical models and their functional solutions for multi-segment low-pressure nitriding with the structure of the "boost - diffusion" process, • numerical models of residual stresses in the surface layer after the various surface and thermo-chemical treatments,
  • numerical superposition of stresses and the synergistic effect of modern methods of mechanical, thermo-chemical treatments taking into account the conditions of external loads,
  • stress and deformation control algorithms for devices for high-performance vacuum carburizing,
  • design of complex spatial shapes for 3D printing


Present activities:

The research activity of this Department is mainly related to the use of advanced mathematical-physical, numerical, statistical, and related methods in the modeling and optimization of surface treatment and thermochemical processes. Knowledge of these systems is also used to program devices or create advanced software. Computer systems are also used in dimensional analysis and the design of complex spatial shapes. Additionally, the Department focuses on research on material modifications in terms of strength and functionality, based on chemical and mechanical modifications


Future activities:

Development and improvement of mathematical and numerical models of surface engineering processes and engineering systems. 3D printing. 3D printing of complex geometric structures with various internal fillings - TPMS (Triply Periodic Minimal Surface).


Publications/patents, awards, projects

  • P. Baras, J. Sawicki: Numerical analysis of mechanical properties of 3D printed aluminium components with variable core infill values, Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering 103/1 (2020) 16-24. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5604/01.3001.0014.6912 ;
  • Brancewicz-Steinmetz E, Sawicki J, Byczkowska P. The Influence of 3D Printing Parameters on Adhesion between Polylactic Acid (PLA) and Thermoplastic Polyurethane (TPU). Materials. 2021; 14(21):6464. https://doi.org/10.3390/ma14216464
  • E. Wołowiec-Korecka, M. Korecki, L. Klimek. Influence of flow and pressure of carburizing mixture on low-pressure carburizing process efficiency. Coatings - Surface Treatment for Alloys 2022, 12, 337-344. DOI:10.3390/coatings12030337
  • E. Wołowiec-Korecka, M. Korecki, M. Sut, A. Brewka-Stanulewicz, P. Kula. Calculation of the mixture flow in a lowpressure carburizing process. Metals 2019, 9(4), 439-446. DOI:10.3390/met9040439

We conduct the following research projects:

  • Project NCBiR POIR.04.01.04-00-0087/15 " Equipment for high performance and precise heat treatment with a quenching deformation reduction system for direct application in downstream production chains of mechanical gearing and bearings."
  • Projekt LIDER/3/0025/L-12/20/NCBR/2021 „Ferrytyczne azotonawęglanie niskociśnieniowe w uniwersalnych piecach próżniowych”



modeling, numerical simulations, ANSYS, heat treating (carburizing, nitriding, quenching), 3D printing, surface modifications


List of internship proposal in this research team

Postdoctoral fellowships and fellowships for doctoral students and second-cycle students in grants related to the following works: experimental investigations, development of mathematical and simulation models, identification and study of heat phenomena in engineering systems.



The portfolio of research groups was created as part of the Programme "STER" – Internationalisation of doctoral schools” as part of the realization of the project “Curriculum for advanced doctoral education & taining – CADET Academy of Lodz University of Technology”.


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