Institute of Electrical Engineering Systems I-26
Head of the unit:
Stanisław Hałgas, PhD, DSc, TUL Prof.
Potential promoters:
Stanisław Hałgas, PhD, DSc, TUL Prof.
Contact person:
Stanisław Hałgas, PhD, DSc, TUL Prof., phone: 48 42-631-25-22, stanisław.halgas@p.lodz.pl
Scope of activities:
The main research activities include:
- methods for parametric and catastrophic fault diagnosis in analogue electronic circuits
- methods supporting design for testing of analogue systems: selection of test signals, selection of measurement nodes
- methods for analysing non-linear electronic circuits
- analysis, design and optimisation of energy management systems for hybrid and electric vehicles.
Present activities:
Current research is focused on two issues: methods of testing different classes of analogue electronic circuits and design and optimisation of energy management systems in hybrid vehicles. The main research stream concerns the problem of identification of parameters of electronic circuits on the basis of measurements of circuit quantities so that, taking into account the real conditions resulting from limited access to internal nodes of the circuit and tolerances of components, it is possible to detect and identify parametric and catastrophic faults. The second research area concerns energy management systems for hybrid vehicles using an additional electrical energy storage system in the form of supercapacitors and the optimisation of the parameters of these systems with respect to fuel consumption, emissions and battery life extension.
Future activities:
The work will be directed towards the continuation of current research in methods of analysis and design of analogue circuits and electromobility.
Publications/patents, awards, projects:
- M. Tadeusiewicz, S. Hałgas, ‘A method for local parametric fault diagnosis of a broad class of analog integrated circuits’, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 67, 2, 328-337, 2018.
- M. Tadeusiewicz, S. Hałgas, ‘A method for multiple soft fault diagnosis of linear analog circuits’, Measurement, 131, 714-722, 2019.
- M. Tadeusiewicz, S. Hałgas, " Soft fault diagnosis of non-linear circuits having multiple DC solutions", IET Circuits, Devices & Systems, 14. 8, 1220-1227, 2020.
- The M.N.S. Swamy Best Paper Award, and The Armen H. Zemanian Best Paper Award for the year 2015 to M. Tadeusiewicz, A.Kuczyński, S. Hałgas for their paper ‘Catastrophic fault diagnosis of a certain class of nonlinear analog circuits’.
analog circuits, electronic circuits, computer aided design, fault diagnosis, nonlinear circuits, hybrid energy storage system, hybrid electric vehicles, electric vehicles, electromobility.
List of internship proposal in this research team:
Cooperation in research on development of methods supporting design of analogue circuits, implementation of the developed methods and verification of their efficiency, research in the field of electromobility.
The portfolio of research groups was created as part of the Programme "STER" – Internationalisation of doctoral schools” as part of the realization of the project “Curriculum for advanced doctoral education & taining – CADET Academy of Lodz University of Technology”.

Institute of Electrical Engineering Systems I-26
Head of the unit:
Prof. Ryszard Pawlak, PhD, DSc
Potential promoters:
Ewa Korzeniewska, PhD, DSc, TUL
Prof. Ryszard Pawlak, PhD, DSc
Contact person:
Ewa Korzeniewska, PhD, DSc, TUL, tel: 42-631-25-33, ewa.korzeniewska@p.lodz.pl
Scope of activities:
Our main areas of interest are:
- Technologies for the production of textronic structures with the methods of applying thin layers.
- Study of electrical and magnetic properties of textronic structures.
- Study of the influence of environmental factors on the electrical properties of textronic structures.
- Methods of integrating textronic systems with external electrical circuits.
- Design, optimization and fabrication of structures for application purposes.
- Research on the electrical and magnetic properties of thin, transparent conductive layers (TCO) and 2D materials (graphene) deposited on various types of substrates.
- Application of thin-film systems in cryogenic systems (e.g. sensors, micro heaters, microsystems).
Present activities:
- Research on the possibility of detecting pathogens (including bacteria and fungi) with the use of thin-film sensors made on a composite textile substrate.
- Design and production of thin-film electrodes used in rehabilitation using the electrostimulation method.
- Manufacturing and testing of microsystems on polymer and ceramic substrates for local temperature monitoring and control in cryogenic systems.
- Manufacturing and testing of sensors created from 2D materials.
Future activities:
- Integration of thin-film and textronic structures with classical electronics.
- Manufacturing of organic electronics devices on composite substrates.
- Investigation of electrical and magnetic properties of organic electronics devices at cryogenic temperatures.
Publications/patents, awards, projects:
- Korzeniewska E, Szczęsny A, Lipinski P, Dróżdż T, Kiełbasa P, Miernik A and Politowski K; Textronics Interdigitate Electrodes for Staphylococcus Aureus bacteria detecting, Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 2021 Volume 1782, 1782 012015
- Korzeniewska, E.; Szczęsny, A.; Lipiński, P.; Dróżdż, T.; Kiełbasa, P.; Miernik, A. Prototype of a Textronic Sensor Created with a Physical Vacuum Deposition Process for Staphylococcus aureus Detection. Sensors 2021, 21, 183. https://doi.org/10.3390/s21010183
- Pawłowski S.; Plewako J.; Korzeniewska E. Influence of Structural Defects on the Resistivity and Current Flow Field in Conductive Thin Layers. Electronics 2020, 9, 2164. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics9122164
- Korzeniewska E.; Krawczyk A.; Mróz J.; Wyszyńska E.; Zawiślak R. Applications of Smart Textiles in Post-Stroke Rehabilitation. Sensors 2020, 20, 2370. https://doi.org/10.3390/s20082370
- Lebioda M., Pawlak R., Rymaszewski J. Joining of electrodes to ultra-thin metallic layers on ceramic substrates in cryogenic sensors, Sensors 2021, 21(14), 4919; https://doi.org/10.3390/s21144919
wearable electronics, textronics, thin films, physical vacuum deposition, sensors, cryogenics, TCO, graphene
List of internship proposal in this research team:
- Conducting research related to the properties of thin-film textronic structures and the influence of environmental conditions on the parameters of thin layers (theoretical and experimental analysis).
- Production and application of thin-film textronic structures in the field of sensors and organic electronics.
- Testing under cryogenic conditions of microsystems produced on various types of substrates
The portfolio of research groups was created as part of the Programme "STER" – Internationalisation of doctoral schools” as part of the realization of the project “Curriculum for advanced doctoral education & taining – CADET Academy of Lodz University of Technology”.

Institute of Electrical Engineering Systems I-26
Head of the unit:
Prof. Ryszard Pawlak, PhD, DSc
Potential promoters:
Prof. Ryszard Pawlak, PhD, DSc
Contact person:
Mariusz Tomczyk, PhD, Eng., phone: 42-631-25-37, mariusz.tomczyk@p.lodz.pl
Activity scope:
The main fields of research include 2D and 3D laser micro-technologies for electronics and microsystem technology :
- Laser modification of properties of a surface of conductive, semiconductor, ceramic and polymer materials.
- Manufacturing of prototypical 3D microstructures in semiconductor, ceramic and metallic materials.
- Production of 2D microstructures in thin metallic and graphene layers, and in layers of transparent conductors.
- Laser synthesis of materials in the surface layer or in the micro-volume.
- Study of the properties of manufactured structures.
- Modeling of laser micromachining processes.
Current activity:
- Laser modification of the hydrophobic properties of acrylonitrile and styrenebutadiene rubbers doped with carbon nanotubes and graphene.
- Hydrophobization of polymeric materials used in the production of personal protective equipment.
- Investigation of the influence of laser radiation absorbers on the effectiveness of interaction of the laser beam with polymer materials.
- Production of sensory structures and passive electronic elements (electrodes in organic electronics devices - OLED and OFET, thermoresistors, coils) in thin layers of transparent conductive materials (AgHT, ITO, ZnO, graphene).
- Production of sensory structures and passive electronic elements in metallic layers on textile substrates.
- Mask technology for textronics and organic electronics technology. Laser synthesis of conductive layers (of Al) on the ceramic substrate (AlN).
Future activity:
Research in the field of laser material microtechnologies with the use of various types of lasers.
Publications / patents / awards / grants:
- Irzmańska, E., Korzeniewska, E., Pawlak, R., Smejda-Krzewicka, A., Adamus-Włodarczyk, A., Enhanced hydrofobicity of polymers for personal protective equipment achieved by chemical and physical modification, Materials, 2022, 15(1), 106
- Siciński M., Korzeniewska E., Tomczyk M., Pawlak R., Bieliński D., Gozdek T., Kaluzińska K., Walczak M., Laser-textured rubbers with carbon nanotube fillers, Polymers, Vol. 10, Issue 10, 2 October 2018,
- Pawlak, R., Lebioda, M., Rymaszewski, J., Kolodziejczyk, L., Kula, P., A fully transparent flexible sensor for cryogenic temperatures based on high strength metallurgical graphene, Sensors (MDPI), 2017, 17(1)
- Lebioda, M., Pawlak, R., Szymański, W., Kaczorowski, W., Jeziorna, A., Laser patterning a graphene layer on a ceramic substrate for sensor applications, Sensors (Switzerland), 2020, 20(7), 2134,
- Tomczyk M., Kubik P., Waliszewski W., Optimization of the ablative laser cutting of shadow mask for organic FET electrode fabrication, Electronics Vol. 9, Issue 12, December 2020
- Lebioda, M., Pawlak, R., Rymaszewski, J., Joining of electrodes to ultra-thin metallic layers on ceramic substrates in cryogenic sensors, Sensors, 2021, 21(14), 4919
Patent - P.420228 (2017): Sposób wytwarzania warstw superhydrofobowych na powierzchni kauczuków akrylonitrylowego i butadienowo-styrenowego, zawierających nanorurki węglowe.
Patent - Pat.238762 (2021) Sposób zmniejszenia tendencji wyrobów tekstylnych do pillingu keywords: laser micromachining, laser ablation, organic electronics, surface hydrophobization, 2D and 3D structures list of internships in a given research group : Cooperation in the field of laser micro-technological processes, design, production and testing the properties of 2D and 3D structures
laser micromachining, laser ablation, organic electronics, surface hydrophobization, 2D and 3D structures
List of internships in a given research group:
Cooperation in the field of laser micro-technological processes, design, production and testing the properties of 2D and 3D structures
The portfolio of research groups was created as part of the Programme "STER" – Internationalisation of doctoral schools” as part of the realization of the project “Curriculum for advanced doctoral education & taining – CADET Academy of Lodz University of Technology”.