Treść (rozbudowana)
Trzy logotypy

Institute of Machine Tools and Production Engineering I-13



Head of the unit:

Witold Pawłowski, PhD, DSc, TUL Prof.


Potential promoters:

Witold Pawłowski, PhD, DSc, TUL Prof.

Andrzej Kosucki, PhD, DSc


Contact person:

Norbert Kępczak, PhD, phone: 48-42-631-39-36, norbert.kepczak@p.lodz.pl


Scope of activities:

The main areas of activity of the Machine Tools Division are scientific research conducted with the use of modal analysis. Modal analysis is an analysis of dynamic properties of mechanical objects. As a result a modal model is obtained in the form of free vibration frequencies, amplitudes and damping coefficients. Modal analysis is divided into 3 basic types: theoretical modal analysis, experimental modal analysis, and operational modal analysis. The theoretical modal analysis is carried out based on a 3D structural model. It is used most often at the design stage. The experimental modal analysis is carried out by means of an identification experiment, which consists in exciting the vibrations of the object with simultaneous measurement of the exciting force and the response of the system. On the other hand, the operational analysis is performed during the actual work of the machine or device with the simultaneous measurement of the system's response to the actual inputs.


Present activities:

Currently, the scientific activity of Machine Tools Division is focused on research on the influence of doping polymer concrete with rubber granules on the dynamic and mechanical properties of the composition and the possibility of using this modern engineering material in the construction of machine tools. A hybrid solution is proposed (a combination of cast iron and polymer concrete), which will allow the use of the advantages of both construction materials. Both simulation and experimental studies are carried out.

The use of a polymer concrete filling in deep hole boring bar tools is also considered. Theoretical and experimental research is also conducted for this purpose. Another conducted research is the determination of the dynamic properties of the SOH-10 internal cylindrical grinding machine, which is the equipment of the Institute of Machine Tools and Production Engineering. It is also here that simulation and operational tests are planned.


Future activities:

Research on the wide application of polymer concrete in the field of machine tool construction and tools for machining. Development of an oscillation-assisted grinding method for the basic types of grinding.


Publications/patents, awards, projects

  • Kępczak N., Pawłowski W. Dynamic Properties of Hybrid Machine Tool Body – Theoretical and Experimental Investigation Journal of Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering 2021; artykuł przyjęty do publikacji
  • Deredas K., Kępczak N., Urbaniak M. Influence of doping with styrene-butadiene rubber on dynamic and mechanical properties of polymer concrete, Composite Structures 2021; 268: 113998
  • Kępczak N., Bechciński G., Rosik R. Experimental verification of the deep hole boring bar model, Eksploatacja i Niezawodnosc – Maintenance and Reliability 2021; 23 (1): 55–62
  • Pawłowski W., Kaczmarek Ł., Louda P. Theoretical and experimental modal analysis of the cylinder unit filled with pur foam, Eksploatacja i niezawodność – Maintenance and Reliability2016; 18 (3): 428-435
  • Kępczak N., Pawłowski W., Kaczmarek Ł. Cast Iron and Mineral Cast Applied for Machine Tool Bed – Dynamic Behavior Analysis, Archives of Metallurgy and Materials, 2015, Volume 60, Issue 2A, pp. 1023-1029



modal analysis, dynamic properties of mechanical objects, frequencies of free vibrations, amplitudes of free vibrations, damping coefficients of free vibrations


List of internship proposal in this research team

  • conduct the research of dynamic properties of internal cylindrical grinding machine (theoretical and experimental analysis); 
  • conduct the research of dynamic properties of hybrid machine tools body (theoretical and experimental analysis).



The portfolio of research groups was created as part of the Programme "STER" – Internationalisation of doctoral schools” as part of the realization of the project “Curriculum for advanced doctoral education & taining – CADET Academy of Lodz University of Technology”.

Trzy logotypy

Institute of Machine Tools and Production Engineering I-13



Head of the unit:

Wojciech Stachurski, PhD, DSc, TUL Prof.


Potential promoters:

Wojciech Stachurski, PhD, DSc, TUL Prof.


Contact person:

Wojciech Stachurski, PhD, DSc, TUL Prof., phone: 48-42-631-24-13, wojciech.stachurski@p.lodz.pl


Scope of activities:

The main areas of interest and research directions are the following problems falling within the general concept of Mechanical Engineering:

  • research of material removal processes in the field of:

− analysis of cutting forces and temperatures, vibrations, acoustic emission,

− use of cooling and lubricating fluids,

− wear of cutting tools,

− modeling of machining processes. 

  • tests of technological surface layer (surface roughness, residual stress, microhardness), 
  • diagnostics of machining processes (signal processing), 
  • intelligent grinding system, 
  • design, machining and measurement of gears.


Present activities:

We conduct research work on improving the efficiency of supplying cooling and lubricating fluids into the grinding zone by modifying the shape of the grinding wheel active surface (GWAS). We develop technologies for shaping macrocontinuities on GWAS and determine the impact of the geometry of these macrocontinuities on the course and result parameters of the grinding process. We conduct research on the use of methods that minimize the amount of cooling and lubricating fluid supplied to the cutting zone, especially the MQL (Minimum Quantity Lubrication) method, in the material removal processes. We carry out research works in the field of measurement and analysis of temperatures in the cutting zone arising during the processing of difficult-to-cut materials. For this purpose, we use a laboratory IR camera. We conduct scientific research in the field of signal processing and modeling in order to determine the condition of the tool and identify undesirable states of the cutting process. We model machining processes in terms of the analysis of selfexcited vibrations and the selection of the most important measurement variables.


Future activities:

Development of current research.


Publications/patents, awards, projects

  • Stachurski, W., Sawicki, J., Krupanek, K., Nadolny, K. (2020). Application of numerical simulation to determine ability of air used in MQL method to clean grinding wheel active surface during sharpening of hob cutters. International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing – Green Technology, https://doi.org/10.1007/s40684-020-00239-x.
  • Rusinek, R., Lajmert, P. (2020). Chatter detection in milling of carbon fiber-reinforced composites by improved hilberthuang transform and recurrence quantification analysis. Materials, 13(18), 4105.
  • Kępczak, N., Zgórniak, P., Lajmert, P., Rosik, R., Sikora, M. (2020). Influence of machining parameters on the polymer concrete milling process. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 106(7-8), 3017-3032.
  • Stachurski, W., Sawicki, J., Wójcik, R., Nadolny, K. (2018). Influence of application of hybrid MQL-CCA method of applying coolant during hob cutter sharpening on cutting blade surface condition, Journal of Cleaner Production, 171, 892–910.
  • Patent 237406: Method for supplying the cooling and lubricating agent into the toothed gears hobbing zone, Stachurski, W., Sawicki, J., Przybysz, M., Ostrowski, D., Krupanek, K. (2021).
  • Patent 226148: System of supervision over the process of grinding on the centre-type cylindrical grinder, preferably objects made from hardly machinable materials, Lajmert, P., Kruszyński, B., Sikora, M., Wrąbel, D., Ostrowski, D. (2017).



material removal processes, coolants (cutting and grinding fluids), MQL method, technological surface layer, surface integrity in machining, cutting tools, monitoring of tools and machining processes condition


List of internship proposal in this research team

  • Stable machining conditions estimation and chatter vibrations detection during milling of hard to machine materials.



The portfolio of research groups was created as part of the Programme "STER" – Internationalisation of doctoral schools” as part of the realization of the project “Curriculum for advanced doctoral education & taining – CADET Academy of Lodz University of Technology”.

Trzy logotypy

Institute of Machine Tools and Production Engineering I-13



Head of the unit:

prof. Leszek Podsędkowski, PhD. DSc.


Potential promoters:

prof. Leszek Podsędkowski, PhD. DSc.


Contact person:

Paweł Żak, PhD., phone: 42-631-24-34, pawel.zak@p.lodz.pl


Scope of activities:

The main areas of our interests and research fields are those connected to implementation of automation and robotics into various life aspects:

  • The design, development and tests on the robot to perform the cardiosurgical operations – one of the versions of a Polish response to the similar constructions developed in the West,
  • The design, development and tests on the snake-like robot to perform a colonoscopy procedure – there is no similar solution available all over the world,
  • The development of a system and algorithms for mobile robots allowing them to build a map of their surrounding and navigate on it at the same time, SLAM,
  • The development of algorithms and construction of the fumes fan with an adjustable geometry of blades to be used in a powerplant.


Present activities:

We are developing an advanced system for an automatic procedure of fan’s shafts balancing. We are focused on objects located in a harsh environment conditions, e.g. cement plants or power plants. The developed solution is to be mounted on a shaft radially. Therefore, the shaft remains mounted. Such automatic procedure provides the possibility to balance the shaft without the necessity to stop its motion. We are developing an innovative device – a measurement arm to be used during the medical procedure of the total hip replacement. This procedure common outcome is the change of patient’s leg length which results in one’s great discomfort. The device is capable of performing a simple and swift measurement during the operation process. It enables the surgeon to adjust the parameters of an implant.

We are developing a device to be used in human jaw rehabilitation process. Around 70% of patients suffering from trismus require rehabilitation to be performed. Currently, such procedure requires a therapist to be present to perform the treatment using a simple tools, like wooden spatulas or jaw dilators. The developed device will enable the patient to perform the procedure be his own.


Future activities:

The works on currently running projects are to be continued in order to: develop the constructions, control systems, and to perform functionality tests. It is planned to continue the works on the development of the snake-like robot.


Publications/patents, awards, projects

  • L. Podsedkowski, P. Wroblewski, L. Fracczak, A. Kobierska, E. Marciniak, G. Wrobel, A. Marciniak, K. Jozwik, A. Papierski, K. Sobczak, D. Obidowski, W. Kryllowicz, A differential planetary gear for regulation drive design and selected tests, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science doi: 10.1177/0954406217745338, 
  • L. Fracczak, L. Podsedkowski, A. Kobierska, Data fusion using Fuzzy Logic techniques supported by Modified Weighting factors (FLMW), International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 18(1), 72-80, FEB 2016; DOI: 10.1007/s40815-015- 0095-3,
  • L. Podsedkowski, M. Panasiuk, A. Kobierska, A. Niewola, M. Szaniewski, Device for measuring femur displacement and method of making orthopedic measurements during a surgical procedure to correct damaged hip, US2018036093, 2018 We are realising the R&D


  • Opracowanie systemu automatycznego dwupłaszczyznowego wyważania zespołów wirujących wentylatorów, w szczególności energetycznych, w czasie ich pracy, w celu zwiększenia ich dyspozycyjności, zmniejszenia strat związanych z przymusowymi postojami bloków i zwiększenia żywotności, POIR.01.01.01-00-0219/18, 2018-2021



medical robot, automation of rehabilitation process, automation of balancing process, SLAM, palm rehabilitation, jaw rehabilitation, colonoscopy automation, mid-surgery measurements


List of internship proposal in this research team: 

A cooperation in research tasks on defining of active pneumatic elements parameters specification



The portfolio of research groups was created as part of the Programme "STER" – Internationalisation of doctoral schools” as part of the realization of the project “Curriculum for advanced doctoral education & taining – CADET Academy of Lodz University of Technology”.

Trzy logotypy

Institute of Machine Tools and Production Engineering I-13



Head of the unit:

Marcin Gołąbczak, PhD, DSc, TUL Prof.


Potential promoters:

Marcin Gołąbczak, PhD, DSc, TUL Prof.


Contact person:

Robert Święcik, PhD, phone: 42-631-22-88, robert.swiecik@p.lodz.pl


Scope of activities:

The main areas of interest and research directions are the following problems falling within the general concept of Mechanical Engineering:

  • research on the improvement of methods and tools for abrasive, discharge and electrochemical machining as well as monitoring and optimization of these processes,
  • methods of electrochemical and electrodischarge dressing of superhard grinding wheels,
  • measurements and evaluation of the surface topography and properties of surface layer,
  • research on diagnostics of abrasive materials and tools, including theoretical and experimental foundations of designing and testing the strength of grinding wheels,
  • tests of functional properties of wear resistant and low friction coatings (PVD and CVD) on cutting tools and aerospace alloys,
  • ecology in abrasive machining, post-grinding waste management and processing,
  • computer-aided technology and design of technological processes (CAM, CIM),
  • numerical simulations: the geometric structure of the treated surfaces, temperature in the surface layer during electrodischarge grinding, thermoelasticity of thin cylindrical shells,
  • environmental protection and health and safety care in industrial enterprises.


Present activities:

We develop a new method of measuring the temperature in the surface layer during the process of electrodischarge grinding of difficult-to-machine aerospace alloys. We conduct research on the improvement of the processes of electrodischarge dressing of superhard grinding wheels with a stationary, rotating and segment tool electrode. Safety of the grinding wheels: we examine the effect of the conditions of use on the dynamic strength of cut-off wheels. In numerical tests, we determine the stability of thin micro-periodic cylindrical shells and the scale effect in the stability of thin biperiodic cylindrical shells.


Future activities:

Developing the current and building new, more comprehensive numerical models that will better describe the properties of the surface layer of the machined surfaces.



  • Gołąbczak M., Gołąbczak A., Tomczyk B. (2021). Electrochemical and X-ray examinations of erosion products during dressing of superhard grinding wheels using alternating current and ecological electrolytes of low concentration of chemical compounds, Materials, 14(1375), 1-23.
  • Dębkowski R., Gołąbczak M., Skowron M., Urbaniak M. (2019). Lifetime increase method of cutting ability of grinding wheels in the process of magnesium alloy grinding, Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik, 50(11), 1343-1352.
  • Sutowski P., Święcik R. (2018). The estimation of machining results and efficiency of the abrasive electro-discharge grinding process of Ti6Al4V titanium alloy using the high-frequency acoustic emission and force signals, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 94(1–4), 1263–1282.
  • Gold medal at the International Invention Show INPEX XIII, USA, for developing a method for monitoring the grinding wheel condition.
  • Gold medal at the International Fair INTERTECHNOLOGY for developing the technology of rotating dressers manufacturing.


List of internship proposal in this research team:

  • Co-operation during tests for electro-erosion grinding and polishing of magnesium, nickel and titanium alloys as well as metrology of the surface layer after machining processes.



The portfolio of research groups was created as part of the Programme "STER" – Internationalisation of doctoral schools” as part of the realization of the project “Curriculum for advanced doctoral education & taining – CADET Academy of Lodz University of Technology”.


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