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Trzy logotypy

Institute of Automatic Control I-21



Head of the unit:

Prof. Andrzej Bartoszewicz, PhD, DSc


Potential promoters:

Prof. Andrzej Bartoszewicz, PhD, DSc


Contact person:

Prof. Andrzej Bartoszewicz, PhD, DSc, phone: 48-42-631-25-47, andrzej.bartoszewicz@p.lodz.pl


Scope of activities:

Our main area of interest is discrete-time sliding mode control and its applications. The group’s efforts are focus on: 

  • Optimal sliding mode control. 
  • Switching and non-switching type sliding mode control for discrete-time dynamical systems.
  • Application of higher relative degree sliding variables in variable structure control systems. 
  • Model reference based quasi-sliding mode control strategies. 
  • Nonlinear and time-varying sliding hyperplane design in variable structure control for continuous-time and discrete-time dynamical systems.
  • Sliding mode control applications.


Present activities:

Our current research directions are: 

  • Design and application of sliding mode control for discrete-time dynamical systems with state and control signal restrictions. 
  • Design and application of event-triggered discrete-time sliding mode control. 
  • Design and application of reference trajectory based sliding mode control for discrete-time dynamical systems. 
  • Applications of variable structure control strategies in power electronics and electrical drive control. 
  • Application of sliding mode control in inventory management. 
  • Application of discrete-time sliding mode control to congestion control in communication networks.


Future activities:

Design of sliding control for discrete-time dynamical systems with applications in power electronics, electric drives, logistics and data transmission networks.


Publications/patents, awards, projects:


  • Latosiński P., Bartoszewicz A.: Model reference DSMC with a relative degree two switching variable. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 66, No. 4, 2021, pp. 1749-1755. 
  • Bartoszewicz A., Adamiak K.: Discrete time sliding mode control with a desired switching variable generator. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 65, No. 4, 2020, pp. 1807-1814.
  • Leśniewski P., Bartoszewicz A.: Optimal model reference sliding mode control of perishable inventory systems. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, Vol. 17, No. 3, 2020, pp. 1647-1656.
  • Shah D., Mehta A., Patel K., Bartoszewicz A.: Event-triggered discrete higher-order SMC for networked control systems having network irregularities. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, Vol. 16, No. 11, 2020, pp. 6837- 6847. 
  • Bartoszewicz A., Nowacka-Leverton A.: Time-Varying Sliding Modes for Second and Third Order Systems, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2009 (192 strony, ISBN 978-3-540-92216-2).

Research projects: 

  • Optimal sliding mode control for delay systems (Opus no. 01/B/ST7/02582). 
  • Design of sliding hyperplanes for variable structure control of dynamical systems (N N514 300035). 
  • Nonlinear and time-varying sliding hyperplane in variable structure control (8T11A 016 12).



discrete-time systems, sliding mode control, robust control


List of internship proposal in this research team:

Internship in the area of discrete-time sliding mode control.



The portfolio of research groups was created as part of the Programme "STER" – Internationalisation of doctoral schools” as part of the realization of the project “Curriculum for advanced doctoral education & taining – CADET Academy of Lodz University of Technology”.


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