Dear Colleagues,
We cordially invite young scientists to take part in the scientific conference – XVII Koperńikańskie Seminarium Doktoranckie/ Copernican Seminar of Doctoral Students (CSDS).
This year's edition of the CSDS will take place on June 6-7, 2024 at the Faculty of Chemistry, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń.
The Seminar is directed to doctoral students and young scientists from universities and scientific institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences and others, carrying out research in the fields of chemistry, biology, natural sciences, pharmacy and medicine as well as physics and technical sciences. The meeting is an excellent place for presenting results of research, exchange ideas and opportunity to establish scientific contacts. Conference participants will have the opportunity to present results in the form of oral communications or posters.
Kind regards
Prof. dr hab. Edward Szłyk
Chairman of the Organizing Committee