Department of Safework Engineering K-91
Head of the unit:
Prof. Grzegorz Wielgosiński, Ph.D., D.Sc.
Potential promoters:
Prof. Grzegorz Wielgosiński, Ph.D., D.Sc.
Sławomir Kuberski Ph.D., D.Sc., TUL Prof. - material engineering
Contact person:
Prof. Grzegorz Wielgosiński, Ph.D., D.Sc. tel: 42-631-37-95,
Scope of activities:
- Thermal treatment of municipal, industrial, medical and veterinary waste as well as sewage sludge and RDF alternative fuel
- Research on flue gas cleaning methods: dry flue gas desulphurization method, selective non-catalytic reduction of nitrogen oxides (SNCR) method, selective catalytic reduction of nitrogen oxides (SCR) method, reduction of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin (PCDDs) emissions and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs)
- Analysis of the biomass torrefaction process
- Analysis of changes in the state of air pollution in Poland
- Identification of the mechanism of winter and summer smog formation
present activities:
- Measurements of VOC and ammonia sums from combustion of coal and biomass
- Measurements of VOC and ammonia emissions from biomass torrefaction processes
- Measurements of pollutant emissions from the RDF storage and combustion process
- Modeling the processes of catalytic and non-catalytic reduction of nitrogen oxides
- Determination of the kinetics of torrefaction reactions of various types of biomass and determination of the use of the resulting torrefaction
- Determination of the dependence of the concentration of pollutants and meteorological parameters in the smog generation process
Future activities:
Continuing current research acitivities.
Publications/patents, awards, projects:
- Wielgosiński G., Czerwińska J., Smog episodes in Poland, Atmosphere, 2020, 11, 277.
- Czerwińska J., Wielgosiński G., Functioning of the flue gas treatment system in Polish municipal waste incineration plants, Scientific Review – Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 2020, 29 (1), 108 – 119.
- Wielgosiński G., Czerwińska J., Szymańska O., Bujak J., Simultaneous NOx and Dioxin Removal in the SNCR Process, Sustainability, 2020, 12, 5766.
- Szufa S., Wielgosiński G., Piersa P., Czerwińska J., Dzikuć M., Adrian Ł., Lewandowska W., Marczak M., Torrefaction of Straw from Oats and Maize for use as a fuel and additive to organic fertilizers – TGA analysis, kinetics as products for agricultural purposes, Energies, 2020, 13, 2064.
- Sposób jednoczesnego usuwania tlenków azotu (NOx) oraz polichlorowanych dibenzo-p-dioksyn i polichlorowanych dibenzofuranów (PCDD/Fs) z gazów odlotowych, w szczególności pochodzących z procesów spalania. P 432272 Projects:
- Opracowanie technologii katalitycznego ograniczenia emisji tlenków azotu (NOx) oraz polichlorowanych dibenzo-pdioksyn (PCDDs) i polichlorowanych dibenzofuranów (PCDFs) nr POIR.02.03.02-04-0020/16-00.
- Nowoczesna technologia toryfikacji biomasy do produkcji blendów paliwowych, biowęgla jako dodatku do nawozów oraz węgla aktywnego dla potrzeb energetyki, rolnictwa, budownictwa i przemysłu chemicznego. NCBR 2014-2020, nr grantu 0155/L-9/2017.
thermal waste treatment, torrefaction, air quality, Polish smog
List of internship proposal in this research team:
Topics related to the given scope of research work in line with the interests of the doctoral student
The portfolio of research groups was created as part of the Programme "STER" – Internationalisation of doctoral schools” as part of the realization of the project “Curriculum for advanced doctoral education & taining – CADET Academy of Lodz University of Technology”.