Treść (rozbudowana)
Trzy logotypy

Department of Building Materials Physics and Sustainable Design K-62



Head of the unit:

Associate Professor Jacek Szer Ph.D., D.Sc.


Potential promoters:

Associate Professor Jakub Miszczak Ph.D. Marek Sitnicki Ph.D. Monika Kaszubska Ph.D. Elżbieta Habiera-Waśniewska Ph.D.


Contact person:

tel: 42-631-35-53, jacek.szer@p.lodz.pl


Scope of activities:

The Division is concerned with issues related to construction in the field of:

  • structural safety of buildings and structures built in traditional technology,
  • risk assessment for construction disasters as well as accidents and hazardous events at workplaces,
  • methodology of designing and conducting construction works in construction objects (including historic buildings)


Present activities:

  • Participation in the consortium in the project “Modelling of Risk Assessment of Construction Disasters. Accidents and Dangerous Incidents at Workplaces Using Scaffoldings”.
  • Research service, entitled "EKODROGA - empowerment the company's position on the road construction industry by purchasing a research service and its implementation in 2020-2021”.
  • Research service on the basis of subcontracting related to the implementation of the project entitled "MODEA-PACO mobile, unfolding building structure" - starting July 2021.
  • Performing of technical opinions and construction projects in the field of the described activity and supervision on the construction works in progress.


Future activities:

Research work related to:

  • maintenance of buildings,
  • risk assessment of construction disasters and accidents
  • influence of climatic conditions on hazardous events occurring in the construction industry,
  • diagnostics of buildings (including historic buildings) with minimally invasive methods (3D scanning, strain monitoring, determination of material strength), restoration, structural reinforcement.

Planned publications and releases: 

  • publication on the basics of applying loads,
  • publication on traditional and monumental constructions,
  • articles and papers on maintenance, repair of buildings and occurrence of hazardous events.


Publications/patents, awards, projects:

  1. Szer I., Lipecki T., Szer J., Czarnocki K.: Using meteorological data to estimate heat stress of construction workers on scaffolds for improved safety standards, Automation in Construction, 134, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.autcon.2021.104079
  2. Hoła B., Topolski M., Szer I., Szer J., Blazik-Borowa E.: Prediction model of seasonality in the construction industry based on the accidentality phenomenon, Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, 22(1), 30, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1007/s43452-021-00348-7
  3. Szer I., Szer J., Kaszubska M., Miszczak J., Hoła B., Błazik-Borowa E., Jabłoński M.: Influence of the seasons on construction site accidents. Archives of Civil Engineering, 67(3),2021, pp. 489–504, DOI: 10.24425/ace.2021.138067
  4. Szer I., Szer J.: The influence of external environment on workers on scaffolding illustrated by UTCI, Open Engineering, 11(1), 2021, pp. 929–936, https://doi.org/10.1515/eng-2021-0093
  5. Jacek J.: Safety of buildings and construction disasters. Archives of Civil Engineering, 66(1), 2020, p.281- 295,AF:K-62,2020, http://journals.pan.pl/dlibra/publication/131788/edition/115118/content…
  6. Chmielewski T., Szer J., Bobra P.: Derecho wind storm in Poland on 11–12 August 2017: results of the postdisaster investigation. Environmental Hazards-Human and Policy Dimensions, 2020,
  7. Błazik-Borowa E., Pieńko M., Szer I., Hoła B., Czarnocki K.: Probability distribution functions for service loads of frame scaffoldings. Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Technical Sciences 69(2), 2021; DOI:10.24425/bast.2021.136734
  8. Jabłoński M., Szer I., Szer J.: Probability of occurrence of health and safety risks on scaffolding caused by noise exposure, Journal of Civil Engineering and Management 24(6), 2018, s. 117-125, ISSN 1392-3730, eISSN 1822-3605, DOI: /10.3846/jcem.2018.5716
  9. Szer I., Błazik-Borowa E. Szer J.: The Influence of Environmental Factors on Employee Comfort Based on an Example of Location Temperature, Archives of Civil Engineering, vol. LXIII, 3, 2017, s. 163-174, DOI: 10.1515/ace-2017-0035,
  10. Szer I., Szer J., Czarnocki K., Błazik–Borowa E.: Apparent Temperature Distribution on Scaffoldings during Construction Works, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Medical, Health, Biomedical, Bioengineering and Pharmaceutical Engineering, 12(3), 2018, s. 81-87, eISSN:1307-6892, urn:dai:10.1999/1307-6892/10008737
  11. Szer I., Szer J., Pieńko M., Robak A., Jamińska-Gadomska P.: Forecasting of Scaffolding Work Comfort Parameters Based on Data from Meteorological Stations, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Civil, Environmental, Structural, Construction and Architectural Engineering, 12(2), 2018, s. 99 - 105, urn:dai:10.1999/1307-6892/10008523



Maintenance of buildings, building catastrophe, risks in construction, building construction, traditional construction, historical monuments, building works


List of internship proposal in this research team:

Research on the impact of climate on construction site safety. Examination of building elements by non-destructive methods.



The portfolio of research groups was created as part of the Programme "STER" – Internationalisation of doctoral schools” as part of the realization of the project “Curriculum for advanced doctoral education & taining – CADET Academy of Lodz University of Technology”. 

Trzy logotypy


Division of Building Physics and Sustainable Design K-62


Head of the unit:

Prof. Dariusz Gawin


Potential promoters:

prof. Dariusz Gawin,

dr Witold Grymin,

dr Marcin Zygmunt,

dr Iwona Szer


Contact person:

Prof. Dariusz Gawin, dariusz.gawin@p.lodz.pl


Scope of activities: 

  • Designing a sustainable building, Multi-criterial optimization of a building design, Building Energy Modelling (BEM), Economic and Environmental (emissions of pollutants and CO2) Life Cycle Analysis (LCC and LCA) of a habitable building;
  • Urban-scale building energy modelling (UBEM), Energy Clusters, Urban-scale Economic and Environmental LCA, Renewable Energy Sources (RES), Deep energy retrofitting of buildings and urban areas, Decarbonization of building sector; Energy auditing.
  • Numerical modeling of hygro-thermal phenomena in deforming building materials, including material strains during drying, performance of concrete at early ages and at high temperature, performance of porous building materials during freezing;
  • Application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) methods in the energy analysis and optimization of building design in the context of Sustainable Development
  • “In situ” testing and monitoring of acoustic and thermal properties of buildings;


Present activities:

  • The present activities are mainly dedicated to the Building Energy Modeling and Urbanscale Building Energy Modeling in the context of Sustainable Development and Decarbonization of building sector. The computer software TEAC (Tool for Energy Efficiency Analysis of an Energy Cluster) is being developed for multifamily houses stock in Poland.
  • Other scientific topic, being developed in collaboration with the University of Padova, is durability of concrete structures at high temperature, exposed to freezing, and at early ages.
  • Then, some activity is dedicated to the laboratory and “in situ” testing of thermal and acoustic properties of building envelope, and indoor thermal comfort. Our laboratory is equipped with a hot-box chamber, and two climatic chambers with programmable temperature and humidity conditions, where larger building elements might be tested.


Future activities:

  • Analysis and optimization of various energy retrofitting scenarios/strategies for a building and larger urban areas, situated both in the city and suburban areas.
  • Further development of the TEAC computer software for the multifamily houses stock in Poland. 
  • Influence of Global Climate Warming on the energy and hygrothermal performance of Polish habitable buildings stock and choice of best retrofitting strategies.



  1. GAWIN D., WYRZYKOWSKI M., PESAVENTO F., Modelling hygro-thermal performance and strains of cementitious building materials maturing in variable conditions, Journal of Building Physics, Vol. 31, No. 4, 301-318 (2008).
  2. WITEK A., GAWIN D., Experimental and numerical study on the efficiency of the polypropylene fibers admixture in reducing pore pressure in heated concrete, Journal of Building Physics, Vol. 38, No. 2, 121-137 (2014).
  3. GAWIN D., PESAVENTO F., CASTELLS A.G., On reliable predicting risk and nature of thermal spalling in heated concrete, Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 18 (4), 1219 - 1227 (2018)
  4. GAWIN D., PESAVENTO F., KONIORCZYK M., B.A. SCHREFLER, Non-equilibrium modeling hysteresis of water freezing - ice thawing in partially saturated porous building materials, Journal of Building Physics, Vol. 43(2), 61–98, (2019)
  5. GAWIN D., PESAVENTO F., KONIORCZYK M., B.A. SCHREFLER, Poro-mechanical model of strain hysteresis due to cyclic water freezing in partially saturated porous media, Int. J. Solids and Structures Vol. 206, 1 December 2020, 322- 339
  6. M. ZYGMUNT, D. GAWIN, Application of Artificial Neural Networks in the Urban Building Energy Modelling of Polish Residential Building Stock. Energies 2021, 14, 8285.
  7. M. KONIORCZYK, W. GRYMIN, M. ZYGMUNT, D. GAWIN, Novel stochastic approach to predict the energy demand and thermal comfort in the office buildings considering materials and human-related Gaussian uncertainties, Journal of Building Engineering, Vol. 42, October 2021, 102831.
  8. M. ZYGMUNT, D. GAWIN, Application of the Renewable Energy Sources at district scale – a case study of the suburban area, Energies 2022, 15, 473


  • „Material storing heat Energy for accumulative heat exchangers, Polish patent application Nr. P.416407.
  • „Method for producing hydrophobized perlite dust, application of hydrophobized perlite dust, Polish Pat. 238198, 23.04.2021.


  • Degradation of properties due to development of expansive phases in building composites with microstructure, programme "OPUS 2", 2012-2015.
  • “Towards the next generation of standards for service life of cement-based materials and structures”, Transport and Urban Development COST Action TU1404, 2014-2018.
  • „Multiscale, fractal chemo-hygro-thermo-mechanical models for analysis and prediction of durability for cementitious composites”, programme "OPUS 8", 2015-2019.



Sustainable development in building construction sector, Energy building modelling, Urban-scale building energy modelling, Environmental Life Cycle Analysis, Hygrothermal phenomena in porous materials, Concrete at early ages, Concrete at high temperature, Numerical modelling of building elements hygrothermal performance


List of internship proposal in this research team:

  • Application of stochastic methods in the life cycle analysis of energy and thermal comfort for buildings and urban areas.
  • Application of various optimization methods for deep energy retrofitting and designing of sustainable buildings.
  • Development of software for the energy and environmental analysis, and multicriterial optimization of multifamily buildings and urban areas.



The portfolio of research groups was created as part of the Programme "STER" – Internationalisation of doctoral schools” as part of the realization of the project “Curriculum for advanced doctoral education & taining – CADET Academy of Lodz University of Technology”. 

Trzy logotypy

Department of Building Materials Physics and Sustainable Design K-62



Head of the unit:

Marcin Koniorczyk


Potential promotors:

Marcin Koniorczyk,

Dalia Bednarska,

Alicja Wieczorek,

Piotr Konca


Contact person:

Marcin Koniorczyk


Scope of activities:

Engineering of building materials including cement-based materials, ceramics, wood, processed wood as glulam, CLT, materials for thermal insulation, ETICS.

Determination of main mechanical and physical properties of building materials including compressive and tensile strength, modulus of rapture, diffusivity, water absorption, thermal conductivity, and properties related to durability of cement-based materials such as frost resistance, carbonation. Further, we developed our new methodology for testing the durability of materials under loading.

The certified laboratory is designed to deliver the service to the industry partners concerning the standard tests dedicated to various components of external thermal insulation composite systems.

The modification of existing materials and invention of new based on the recycling materials lies within the scope of our activity.


Present activities:

The present activities are mainly dedicated to the durability of materials. The corrosion processes of cement-based materials under load are presently investigated. We focus on the following topics: frost resistance of concrete, the introduction of chemical admixture in order to improve the frost resistance, the application of internal hydrophobization as the alternative to the surface one, the carbonation of concrete. The combinations of aggressive environments are also considered, the new testing procedures are developed and tested to solve this problem.

The mechanism of salt crystallization within bricks and plasters is also investigated. We develop new testing procedure to investigate the dominant mechanisms behind salt crystallization in ceramic materials. The aggressive potentials of various salts are tested.

The new materials are being invented. We focused on the recycling of personal protection equipment used during the coronavirus pandemic. The procedure includes the disinfection and transformation of the equipment to the form, which can be added into concrete mixture. Attention is also focused on the pervious concrete used to build pavements and bicycle roads can be helpful in the correct maintenance of the infrastructure. Further the application of stochastic methods in designing and modelling of building materials is being explored


Future activities:

Optimization of personal protection equipment recycling process parameters, Hydrophobization of pervious concrete, Investigation of thermodynamic properties of inpore liquid confined within cement matrix.


Publications/patents, awards, projects

  1. Marcin Koniorczyk, Salt Transport and Crystallization in Non-Isothermal Partially Saturated Porous Materials Considering Ion Interaction Model, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2012, 55 (4), 665-679.
  2. Marcin Koniorczyk, Dariusz Gawin, Modelling of salt crystallization in building materials with microstructure – Poromechanical approach, Construction and Building Materials, 2012, 36: 860–873.
  3. Marcin Koniorczyk, Dalia Bednarska, Magdalena Nowosielska, Jacek Rynkowski. 2018. „Nucleation model for mesoporeconfined water freezing kinetics”. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 120: 575-586. ISSN: 0017-9310.
  4. Dalia Bednarska, Marcin Koniorczyk 2020. „ Freezing of partly saturated cementitious materials – Insight into properties of pore confined solution and microstructure”. Construction and Building Materials Vol. 251, 10 August 2020, 118895.
  5. Marcin Koniorczyk, Witold Grymin, Marcin Zygmunt, Dariusz Gawin, 2021. „Novel stochastic approach to predict the energy demand and thermal comfort in the office buildings considering materials and human-related Gaussian uncertainties”. Journal of Building Engineering, Vol. 42 October 2021, 102831
  6. Marek Jabłoński, Dalia Bednarska, Witold Grymin, Alessandro Schiavi, Marcin Koniorczyk 2021. „Prediction for the acoustic performance of a floating floor: Novel probabilistic approach considering materials Gaussian uncertainties”, Applied Acoustics, Vol. 182. November 2021, 108252


International patent application concerning an usage of recycled medical wastes as an addition concrete.


National grant PRELUDIUM of National Science Center – Poland, No. 2019/33/N/ST8/00981 "Experimental analysis and modelling of phase transition of water and aqueous solution confined in porous body with regard to durability of building materials" realized at the Lodz University of Technology in years 2020-2023.

Project NAWA: PPN/BCZ/2019/1/00022/RC/00001, Salt transport and crystallization in renovation plasters - integrated eksperimental and numerical analysis



Durability, cement-based materials, porous building materials, salt crystallization, hydrophobization


List of internship proposal in this research team

Durability of porous building materials, novel experimental procedure to assess the influence of the combined aggressive environment on the corrosion of cement based materials.

Application of stochastic method in the prediction of service life of building elements.

Application of recycling materials toward the development of sustainable materials.



The portfolio of research groups was created as part of the Programme "STER" – Internationalisation of doctoral schools” as part of the realization of the project “Curriculum for advanced doctoral education & taining – CADET Academy of Lodz University of Technology”. 


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