NAWA mobility in the project "Curriculum for advanced doctoral education & training - CADET Academy of TUL"
implemented as part of the STER NAWA Programme, task 7 for PhD students of the TUL Interdisciplinary Doctoral School
in the academic year 2022/2023
Interdisciplinary Doctoral School and International Cooperation Centre at Lodz University of Technology announce the start of recruitment for Lodz University of Technology PhD students in the call for applications for funding mobility in the project "Curriculum for advanced doctoral education & training - CADET Academy of TUL", implemented by Lodz University of Technology under the STER Programme - Internationalization of doctoral schools.
The project is implemented by Lodz University of Technology under an agreement with Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange and financed by the NAWA.
The main goal of the Programme is to support on a systemic basis the internationalisation of doctoral schools.
Recruitment offers mobility funding, 12 trips in total for IDS TUL students.
The mobility funding may be used, inter alia, for financing a stay related to gathering materials for a doctoral dissertation, acquiring specific research equipment operating skills or improving international grant writing skills.
Mobility should be carried out by November 30, 2023 at the latest. The duration of the mobility period is minimum 3 months and maximum 6 months.
Project participants will be provided with the following funding under the Project:
- living expenses at a flat rate (PLN 8,000 - PLN 12,000 per month) depending on the country
- travel costs (i.e. transportation, insurance and visa) at a flat rate (PLN 1,000 - PLN 5,000) depending on the distance (in km) in a straight line between the place of residence and the city of Łódź.
The receipt of applications is scheduled from October 3, 2022 to October 20, 2022.
More information about the project can be found:
- on a bilingual website:
https://ids.p.lodz.pl/en under Projects -> STER NAWA - in Project Task Office located at ICC TUL (CWM PŁ)
Żwirki 36, 90-539 Łódź, building A16, 1st floor, room 110
e-mail address: eduprojects@info.p.lodz.pl, phone number: 638 38 72