Institute of Molecular and Industrial Biotechnology I-51
Head of the unit:
Aneta Białkowska, PhD, DSc, TUL Prof.
Potential promoters:
Aneta Białkowska, PhD, DSc, TUL Prof.
Katarzyna Struszczyk-Świta, PhD
Contact person:
Aneta Białkowska, PhD, DSc, TUL Prof., tel: 42 631 34 29, aneta.bialkowska@p.lodz.pl
Scope of activities:
- Nature search and selection of technologically useful microbial enzymes (including extremophilic ones) using efficient methods including omics techniques
- Molecular identification of microorganisms that produce enzymes and useful bioproducts
- Development of efficient bioprocesses (biosynthesis, biocatalysis, biotransformation): isolation and purification of enzymes and bioproducts; mathematical optimization and scale-up of biotechnological processes under different culture conditions or reaction environments
- Production and characterization of various forms of biocatalysts (including immobilized): kinetics and mechanism of action, stability, stabilization
- Construction of recombinant enzymes using genetic engineering techniques: selection of vectors and expression systems; optimization of expression of target gene(s) in a heterologous host, purification of recombinant enzymes
- Engineering native and recombinant enzyme proteins by recombinant DNA technology: rational mutagenesis and directed enzyme evolution
- Developing strategies for using enzymes to produce compounds previously obtained only by chemical synthesis
Present activities:
The Industrial Biotechnology team conducts research in the discipline of Food and Nutrition Technology. Currently, most of the work is in the areas listed below:
- Selection and kinetic, biochemical and structural characterization of biocatalysts from extreme environments
- Bioprocess improvement by engineering the biocatalyst form, reaction environment, and genetic modifications
- Application of extremophilic enzymes in selected biotechnological processes.
The demands of today's global marketplace are forcing the search for new, low-cost technologies that will enable the efficient production of goods and commodities with low prices and competitive quality. The solution is now found in the development of modern biotechnologies that use enzymes isolated from microorganisms or their entire living cells for industrial catalysis. The most common are enzymes isolated from mesophilic organisms, which are so far the best understood, however, not all industrial processes can use them. In cases where it is advantageous to use specific technological conditions, e. g. low or high temperature, pH other than neutral, increased salt concentration, the enzymes of mesophilic microorganisms do not show full activity. For this reason, interest in microorganisms living in extreme environments and their enzymes, often referred to in the literature as extremozymes - next generation enzymes - has been growing for several decades. In the field of food and nutrition technology, this is one of the important research directions.
Future activities:
- Search for unique and biotechnologically interesting enzymes and homologs of commercial enzymes widely used in industry today
- Rational waste management and design of competitive processes for obtaining value-added compounds
- Creating new technologies based on energy-efficient and environmentally friendly biotechnologies.
biocatalyst, bioprocess, extremophilic enzyme, cloning and expression, bioeconomy
List of internship proposal in this research team:
Extremophilic microbial communities: biocatalysts and biomolecules applicable in industry
List of attachments:
- Ludwicka K., Kaczmarek M., Białkowska A. Bacterial nanocellulose - a biobased polymer for active and intelligent food packaging applications: recent advances and developments. Polymers 2020, Vol. 12, no. 2209, p.1-23. doi:10.3390/polym12102209
- Białkowska A, Majewska E., Olczak A., Twarda-Cłapa A. Ice binding proteins: diverse biological roles and applications in different types of industry. Biomolecules 2020, Vol. 10, no. 274, doi: 103390/biom100020274
- Otlewska A., Migliore M., Dybka-Stępień K., Manfredini A., Struszczyk-Świta K., Napoli R., Białkowska A., Canfora L., Pinzari F.. When salt meddles between plant, soil, and microorganisms. Frontiers in Plant Science 2020, Vol. 11, no. 553087, p. 1-23. doi:10.3389/fpls.2020.55087
- Wiśniewska K., Twarda-Cłapa A., Białkowska A. Screening of novel laccase producers - isolation and characterization of cold-adapted laccase from Kabatiella bupleuri G3 capable of synthetic dye decolorization. Biomolecules 2021, Vol. 11, no. 828, p. 1-22. doi:10.3390/biom11060828
- Wiśniewska K., Twarda-Cłapa A., Białkowska A. Novel cold-adapted recombinant laccase KbLcc1 from Kabatiella bupleuri G3 IBMiP as a green catalyst in biotransformation. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2021, Vol. 22, no. 9593, p. 1-25. doi:10.3390/ijms22179593.
- Jodłowska I., Twarda-Cłapa A., Szymczak K., Białkowska A. Green oxidation of amines by a novel cold adapted monoamine oxidase MAO P3 from psychrophilic fungi Pseudogymnoascus sp. P3. Molecules 2021, vol. 26(20), no. 6237. doi.org/10.3390/molecules26206237
- Sypka M., Jodłowska I., Białkowska A. Keratinases as Versatile Enzymatic Tools for Sustainable Development. Biomolecules 2021, vol. 11(12), no. 1900. doi.org/10.3390/biom11121900
- Białkowska A (wykonawca), projekt Canaletto (NAWA), Bioróżnorodność mikrobiologiczna i potencjał biotechnologiczny gleb zasolonych o różnych cechach pedoklimatycznych, 2019-2021.
- Wanarska M, Krajewska E, Wicka-Grochocka M, Cieśliński H, Pawlak-Szukalska A, Filipowicz N, Turkiewicz M, Białkowska A, Florczak T, Gromek E, Krysiak J. Patent Europejski 3530739 Expression system for production of a heterologous protein, plasmid expression vectors, method of construction of a recombinant strain of psychrotolerant yeast Debaryomyces macquariensis and method of protein production by the recombinant yeast strain, 2020
The portfolio of research groups was created as part of the Programme "STER" – Internationalisation of doctoral schools” as part of the realization of the project “Curriculum for advanced doctoral education & taining – CADET Academy of Lodz University of Technology”.

Institute of Molecular and Industrial Biotechnology I-51
Head of the unit:
prof. Maria Koziołkiewicz
Potential promoters:
Anna Podsędek, PhD, DSc, TUL Prof., anna.podsedek@p.lodz.pl
Małgorzata Zakłos-Szyda, PhD, Dsc, malgorzata.zaklos-szyda@p.lodz.pl
Contact person:
phone: 42 631-34-43 anna.podsedek@p.lodz.pl, małgorzata.zaklos-szyda@p.lodz.pl
Scope of activities:
- Qualitative and quantitative characteristics of plant-derived raw materials (extraction, separation, chromatographic analysis)
- Determination of antioxidant activity of food components by means of in vitro methods and model cells
- Analysis of food components stability under conditions of simulated digestion
- Analysis of polyphenolics and digestive enzymes interaction
- Characteristics of phytocompounds activity under in vitro conditions using specific model cells addressed to studies of metabolic syndrome and other diet-related diseases.
- Search of natural compounds possessing antidiabetic activity and acting as specific ligands of GPCR receptors
- Determination of cytotoxicity, efficacy and molecular mechanisms of chemotherapeutics using cancer cell models
Present activities:
The main areas of interest and research directions are the following problems falling within the general concept of Nutrition and Food Technology:
- Multidirectional characteristics of bioactive dietary phytocompounds
- Molecular mechanisms responsible for antidiabetic activity of phytocompounds
Dietary phytocompounds (polyphenols, lipids, vitamins, carotenoids, fatty acids of plant origin) are known to regulate cellular processes by modulation of metabolic and signaling pathways. It has been evidenced that these natural molecules can activate or inhibit cellular enzymes, receptors, transporters or transcription factors. Proper modulation of these targets by natural compounds present in diet is likely the best solution to the prevention of metabolic disorders such as diabetes, obesity, liver diseases etc. Since diabetes remains one of the most abundantly spread and deadly diseases worldwide without a sufficient remedy, looking for novel and effective solutions for its prevention and treatment is of key importance. Studying of natural dietary compounds in terms of their potential anti-diabetic properties is, therefore, a reasonable direction to develop food and nutrition technology sciences.
Future activities:
Studies on regulation of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism by plant extracts and pure chemical compounds. Studies on transcriptional and/or epigenetic gene regulation influenced by bioactive diet-components.
Publications/patents, awards, projects:
- Pietrzyk N., Zakłos-Szyda M., Koziołkiewicz M., Podsędek A. Viburnum opulus L. fruit phenolic compounds protect against FFA-induced steatosis of HepG2 cells via AMPK pathway. Journal of Functional Foods, 2021, Vol.80, 104437, doi.org/10.1016/j.jff.2021.104437
- Kajszczak D., Kowalska-Baron A., Podsędek A. Glycoside hydrolases and non-enzymatic glycation inhibitory potential of Viburnum opulus L. fruit — in vitro studies. Antioxidants, 2021, 10, 989, doi.org/10.3390/antiox10060989
- Kajszczak D., Zakłos-Szyda M., Podsędek A. Viburnum opulus L.—A review of phytochemistry and biological effects. Nutrients, 2020, 12,3398, s. 1-30, doi:10.3390/nu12113398
- Podsędek A., Zakłos-Szyda M., Polka D., Sosnowska D. Effects of Viburnum opulus fruit extracts on adipogenesis of 3T3-L1 cells and lipase activity. Journal of Functional Foods, 2020, 73, 104111, doi.org/10.1016/j.jff.2020.104111
- Drzaga A., Cichońska E., Koziołkiewicz M., Gendaszewska-Darmach E. Formation of βTC3 and MIN6 pseudoislets changes the expression pattern of Gpr40, Gpr55, and Gpr119 receptors and improves lysophosphatidylcholines ‐ potentiated glucose‐stimulated insulin secretion. Cells, 2020, 9, 2062, s. 1-20, doi:10.3390/cells9092062
diet, phytocompounds, diabetes, signalling pathways, receptors, epigenetics
List of internship proposal in this research team:
Identification of signaling pathways activated by selected dietary phytocompounds.
The portfolio of research groups was created as part of the Programme "STER" – Internationalisation of doctoral schools” as part of the realization of the project “Curriculum for advanced doctoral education & taining – CADET Academy of Lodz University of Technology”.