Elective courses

Treść (rozbudowana)
Chemical Sciences

As a P3 course you may choose the course “Designing and Preparing Project Applications that Allow Research Funding and Management” or “Introduction to Academic Publishing” (but these two courses cannot be chosen as a P1/P2 course).

The course “Advanced Analytical Methods” can be chosen as a PD course only by the doctoral candidates from the discipline other than chemical sciences. 






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Nutrition and Food Technology

As a course from a different discipline (PD) please choose a course from the offer of other disciplines, as displayed on the IDS TUL website.  


As a P3 course you may choose the course “Design and Optimization of Experiment” or “Advanced Methods of Statistical Analysis" (but these two courses cannot be chosen as a P1/P2 course).









Information and communication technology

As a P3 course you may choose the course “Scientific Writing” (but this course cannot be chosen as a P1/P2 course). 









Materials Engineering



























Physical Sciences

As a course from a different discipline (PD) please choose a course from the offer of other disciplines, as displayed on the IDS TUL website. 








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